Ms Cassandra Chiu

Cassandra, 45 years old, is the Executive Director of K9Assistance and President of the Disabled People’s Association (DPA). She is a strong advocate for disability empowerment and has spoken at key international events where she showcased Singapore’s progress in disability inclusion on the global stage. She was also the first Southeast Asian woman with visual impairments to be recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.  She was diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease at the age of eight and experienced progressive vision loss which led to blindness.

Cassandra was nominated by the DPA.

Alan, 60 years old, is Vice President of HWA and a key member of dbEnable, Deutsche Bank’s staff network, where he spearheaded change to create a more inclusive workplace culture for employees with disabilities. At HWA, Alan led upgrading works for its IT infrastructure, which allowed the organisation to continue delivering rehabilitation, home care, transport and social services to beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was born with cerebral palsy, which impairs his mobility, balance, posture and speech.

Alan was nominated by Deutsche Bank.

Andrew is a Singapore Sign Language (SgSL) Specialist with Equal Dreams and leads curriculum development as well as creates holistic programmes, which bridge cultural and linguistic gaps between the Deaf and hearing communities. Seen as a prominent role model, Andrew achieved a key milestone for the Deaf community in 2008 when he coined the term “Singapore Sign Language (SgSL)”, which was later cemented as the official name for the local sign language. He was born deaf.

Andrew was nominated by Equal Dreams.

Husnah, 34 years old, is an Inclusion Ambassador with DPA, who has contributed to over 50 disability awareness and inclusion talks, forums and consultations. She was diagnosed as autistic at 23.

Husnah was nominated by Mr Shalom Lim Ern Rong.

James, 23 years old, is a Team Singapore Para Athletics Athlete who has won silver medals for the nation in the Men’s T13 200m and 400m sprints at the ASEAN Para Games in 2023. He was diagnosed with visual impairment at the age of nine. When past a close distance, James can only mainly see rough shapes and structures, and has having trouble identifying details.

James was nominated by the Singapore Management University.

Carole, 47 years old, is a fervent advocate for disability awareness and has contributed to multiple campaigns that champion inclusive fashion and shed light on social barriers faced by persons with disabilities. She is a quadruple amputee who was diagnosed with gangrene following septic shock caused by a burst ovarian cyst.

Carole was nominated by the Singapore Fashion Council.

Nicholas, 20 years old, is a Para Swimmer who has amassed more than 35 medals from countless local and two international swim meets. He was diagnosed with autism at two and continues to explore verbal and non-verbal methods to communicate with others.

Nicholas was nominated by Ms Tan Ching Ting Denise.

Guan Yi, 27 years old, is an alumnus of Pathlight School and recently graduated from the Singapore University of Social Sciences with a Bachelor’s Degree with Distinction in Social Work and Political Science with Distinction. Guan Yi aspires to be a research analyst who contributes to academia and policies in the disability sector such as the Enabling Masterplan 2030. As an Inclusion Champion with SG Enable, Guan Yi also advocates for a more inclusive Singapore through various community outreach and public speaking events, during which he shares his lived experiences in special education and transition to mainstream curriculums. 

He was nominated by Autism Resource Centre (Singapore).

Yu Xiang, 30 years old, is a dynamic advocate for inclusivity and is also known by his stage name Sky Shen. Passionate about connecting mainstream and marginalised communities, Yu Xiang leverages multiple mediums including writing, hosting, performing and livestreaming to raise awareness about disability inclusion. In 2024, he composed a theme song March On, in support of the Singapore Paralympic Team. He was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at the age of five.

Yu Xiang was nominated by ART:DIS.

Max, 37 years old, is a Paralympian and Team Singapore Equestrian who has represented the nation at the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Rio 2016 Paralympic Games and Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. He also represented the para-sports community at the 2023 International Paralympic Committee Athletes Forum in Incheon, Korea. Max is also collaborating with SG Enable to launch mentoring programmes, job-shadowing opportunities and upskilling initiatives to widen employment prospects for persons with disabilities. He was born with cerebral palsy and had initially taken up horse riding as a form of physiotherapy.

Max was nominated by Ms Ong Yan Fen.


Enabling persons with disabilities through golf

On 8 September 2024, 220 golfers, donors and supporters came together at the Garden Course at Tanah Merah Country Club for a fantastic day of fundraising in support of Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund (GCTEF), a fund dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities. The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund Charity Golf & Dinner 2024, supported […]

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华社领袖庆生吴作栋亲道贺 捐手表钢笔助筹近250万善款

庆祝生日不忘做慈善!潮安会馆候任主席张学彬昨天(7日)庆祝46岁生日,特地举办一场盛大生日晚宴,为吴作栋协立慈善基金筹款,并邀得荣誉国务资政吴作栋担任主宾,整个晚宴总共为协立慈善基金筹得近250万元善款。 其中,吴作栋也捐出自己的手表和钢笔供竞标,两样物品最终以26万元的高价拍出,得标的是Epl Alliance Pte Ltd公司。 而印有吴作栋、社会及家庭发展部高级政务次长蔡瑞隆、国会议员陈佩玲、林谋泉和阀贺米的掌印纪念品,则拍得33万3333元3角3分的高价,由商人朱志强夫妇标得。 46岁的张学彬,是优联燃气控股的总裁,活跃于多个会馆社团。配合他的生日,他昨晚在醉花林俱乐部礼堂举办这场名为“实现梦想”(Enabling Dreams)的慈善晚宴。出席者除上述多个政要议员外、还包括企业家、商界领袖等“重量级”人物。 协立慈善基金至今发放逾500万元助残障人士 张学彬接受《8视界新闻网》访问时说,昨晚的晚宴对他来说,意义非凡。他说,其实庆生是次要,更重要的是想要做一场慈善筹款活动。 “我觉得,社会上还有一些不幸群体,需要我们去帮助。生日年年有,但不是说,年年都可以去办慈善活动。很幸运的,大家都很疼爱我,一叫就来了。” 张学彬说,昨晚筹到的所有善款,都将捐给吴作栋协立慈善基金,希望尽可能帮助到更多的有需要群体。 吴作栋在致辞时说,吴作栋协立慈善基金至今已发放超过500万元协助残障人士,他希望该基金是可持续性的,以便能继续为残障人士得生活带来积极得影响。 昨晚的庆生慈善活动,共进行长达四个小时,分别举行多场的慈善义标项目,在场的仁人善翁、商界人士都非常踊跃参与捐款,整个慈善晚宴最终共筹得243万8888元。 吴作栋协立慈善基金受惠者,昨晚在晚宴上也带来多项余兴节目,使得晚宴热闹精彩。 吴作栋协立慈善基金旨在为残障人士提供对社会做出贡献和融入社会的机会。基金由新协立管理,新传媒鼎力支持。荣誉国务资政吴作栋是基金的赞助人。欲通过吴作栋协立慈善基金给予残障人士支持, 请浏览。  文: 8 world 叶衍娴

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Joan: Going beyond the limits – Conquering challenges in sports.

  987 DJ Sonia Chew spent a day getting to know Joan Hung, a Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards 2021 Promise Awardee. Joan was born with visual impairment, but that has not stopped her from pursuing her passion for sports. She has represented Singapore in Goalball in the ASEAN Para Games in 2015 and 2022, […]

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Amirul: Overcoming obstacles and living life to the fullest

  WARNA 942 DJ A B Shaik spent a day getting acquainted with Amirul Afiq, a beneficiary of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund. Amirul was born deaf, but he has never allowed his disability to deter him from living life to the fullest. The Fund aided Amirul in purchasing a cochlear implant, which allowed […]

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Fengze: Bonding over their love for all things superheroes

  Richie Koh and Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund beneficiary Fengze spent the day together and bonded over their love for all things superheroes. Diagnosed with autism and Pierre Robin Syndrome, which causes breathing difficulties, Fengze is unable to communicate verbally and requires constant care and supervision from his parents to ensure his safety. You […]

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Navin: A force for good – Championing the advent of wheelchair accessible public transport

  Oli 968 artiste Anand K spent a day with Dr Navin Nair, Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards 2022 Promise Awardee, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. He became a force for good, working with the Land Transport Authority and SMRT in their efforts to support persons with disabilities in navigating the public […]

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