Dr Darren Chua

Darren, 46 years old, has an acquired disability due to a near fatal stroke. Refusing to let his circumstances get the better of him, he is now an Empowerment Coach who uses his personal experiences to help others realise their strengths and gifts.

He is nominated by Ms Christine Sim.

Qing Hui, 30 years old, was diagnosed with intellectual disability when he was in primary school. He chose to focus on his strengths instead of his limitations, and was recently elected the Co-Chairperson of Special Olympics Asia Pacific’s Regional Athlete Leadership Council from 2022 to 2024.

He is nominated by APSN Tanglin School.

Jaspreet, 42 years old, was born with Down syndrome. She worked hard to broaden her skillsets, and today, is a dedicated performing artist and a firm advocate for persons with disabilities, who has been instrumental in raising public awareness of the disability community over the last two decades.

She is nominated by MINDS.

Justin, 24 years old, was diagnosed with profound hearing loss at a young age. Despite his condition, he graduated from Singapore Management University with the highest distinctions, is a talented musician, and a disability inclusion advocate, who is passionate about championing a stronger and more inclusive community.

He is nominated by SPD.

Jason, 44 years old, has an acquired disability due to a serious bacterial infection. Fitted with prosthetics, the avid sports enthusiast is now able to participate in high-intensity activities and hopes to use sport as a force for social good as a member of Sport Singapore’s SportCares team.

He is nominated by SportCares, Sport Singapore.

June, 38 years old, was born with Down syndrome. She is a passionate disability inclusion advocate and a co-founding member of Diverse Abilities Dance Collective, which enables aspiring artists with disabilities to work towards their goal of becoming semi-professional art-makers and co-trainers.

She is nominated by Down Syndrome Association (Singapore).

Luo Mang, 21 years old, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. She is a dedicated performing artist who, at the age of 15, gave her first solo dance performance at the opening of the 8th ASEAN Para Games in Singapore.

She is nominated by Autism Association (Singapore).

Amanda, 32 years old, was born with spina bifida, but she did not let her physical condition get in her way of living an active and meaningful life. As a Para Cycling athlete, she has represented Singapore in the 2017 ASEAN Para Games and is now the Assistant General Secretary of the Para Cycling Federation of Singapore.

She is nominated by AWWA Ltd.

Ammar, 30 years old, is a deaf choreographer, performer, and filmmaker, who has consistently pushed the boundaries of his craft. He serves as a bridge between the deaf and hearing communities both locally and internationally and strives to advocate for a greater understanding of deaf culture, perspectives, and language.

He is nominated by Ms Rachel Nip Oi Ting.

Navin, 35 years old, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. In his teenage years, Navin continued the pioneering efforts of social service agencies such as SPD and HWA by participating in engagements and dialogues with transport agencies to advocate for wheelchair accessible public transport. Together with the agencies, Navin helped in the advent of wheelchair accessible public transport which facilitates daily travelling for himself and other persons with disabilities today.

He is nominated by Land Transport Authority of Singapore.


Creating an Inclusive Society through The Harmony Gala

  More than $700,000 was raised at the Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund (GCTEF) Harmony Gala on March 1 at Grand Hyatt, Singapore!  Led by GCTEF Fundraising Chairman, Mr Richard Eu, the gala, emceed by Mediacorp’s 987FM DJ Germaine Tan, was filled with unforgettable moments. It included an inspirational performance by a GCTEF beneficiary Nur […]

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A Gift of Talent

A single mum, Sandy Tan has been looking after her 20-year-old son Jayden Ong, who was diagnosed with autism when he was about four years old. A few years ago, it all became overwhelming, and she decided to take a step back. “I felt that I needed to do something for myself,” says Sandy. That […]

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Faith, Hope and Courage

She was born deaf, lost half her sight to the eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa, yet remains very optimistic. Anyone who feels put out by what life doles out needs a dose of Faith. The 47-year-old is a bundle of joy, especially now that she has an avenue to express her hopes – digital art. Blurred […]

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Enabling persons with disabilities through golf

On 8 September 2024, 220 golfers, donors and supporters came together at the Garden Course at Tanah Merah Country Club for a fantastic day of fundraising in support of Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund (GCTEF), a fund dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities. The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund Charity Golf & Dinner 2024, supported […]

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华社领袖庆生吴作栋亲道贺 捐手表钢笔助筹近250万善款

庆祝生日不忘做慈善!潮安会馆候任主席张学彬昨天(7日)庆祝46岁生日,特地举办一场盛大生日晚宴,为吴作栋协立慈善基金筹款,并邀得荣誉国务资政吴作栋担任主宾,整个晚宴总共为协立慈善基金筹得近250万元善款。 其中,吴作栋也捐出自己的手表和钢笔供竞标,两样物品最终以26万元的高价拍出,得标的是Epl Alliance Pte Ltd公司。 而印有吴作栋、社会及家庭发展部高级政务次长蔡瑞隆、国会议员陈佩玲、林谋泉和阀贺米的掌印纪念品,则拍得33万3333元3角3分的高价,由商人朱志强夫妇标得。 46岁的张学彬,是优联燃气控股的总裁,活跃于多个会馆社团。配合他的生日,他昨晚在醉花林俱乐部礼堂举办这场名为“实现梦想”(Enabling Dreams)的慈善晚宴。出席者除上述多个政要议员外、还包括企业家、商界领袖等“重量级”人物。 协立慈善基金至今发放逾500万元助残障人士 张学彬接受《8视界新闻网》访问时说,昨晚的晚宴对他来说,意义非凡。他说,其实庆生是次要,更重要的是想要做一场慈善筹款活动。 “我觉得,社会上还有一些不幸群体,需要我们去帮助。生日年年有,但不是说,年年都可以去办慈善活动。很幸运的,大家都很疼爱我,一叫就来了。” 张学彬说,昨晚筹到的所有善款,都将捐给吴作栋协立慈善基金,希望尽可能帮助到更多的有需要群体。 吴作栋在致辞时说,吴作栋协立慈善基金至今已发放超过500万元协助残障人士,他希望该基金是可持续性的,以便能继续为残障人士得生活带来积极得影响。 昨晚的庆生慈善活动,共进行长达四个小时,分别举行多场的慈善义标项目,在场的仁人善翁、商界人士都非常踊跃参与捐款,整个慈善晚宴最终共筹得243万8888元。 吴作栋协立慈善基金受惠者,昨晚在晚宴上也带来多项余兴节目,使得晚宴热闹精彩。 吴作栋协立慈善基金旨在为残障人士提供对社会做出贡献和融入社会的机会。基金由新协立管理,新传媒鼎力支持。荣誉国务资政吴作栋是基金的赞助人。欲通过吴作栋协立慈善基金给予残障人士支持, 请浏览 GCTEnableFund.sg。  文: 8 world 叶衍娴

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Joan: Going beyond the limits – Conquering challenges in sports.

  987 DJ Sonia Chew spent a day getting to know Joan Hung, a Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards 2021 Promise Awardee. Joan was born with visual impairment, but that has not stopped her from pursuing her passion for sports. She has represented Singapore in Goalball in the ASEAN Para Games in 2015 and 2022, […]

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