(2024) 13 உடற்குறையுள்ள தனிநபர்களுக்கு கோ சோக் தோங் Enable விருதுகள்
கோ சோக் தோங் Enable விருதுகளின் ஆறாவது பருவத்தில், உடற்குறையுள்ள 13 பேருக்கு விருது வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
பல தரப்பினரை உள்ளடக்குவதில் அவர்கள் ஆற்றிய உன்னதப் பங்கிற்காக அவர்கள் கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
விருது பெற்றவர்களில் சிங்கப்பூர் சைகைமொழி நிபுணர் ஆண்டிரு தே (Andrew Tay) இவ்வாண்டு உடற்குறையுள்ளோருக்கான ஒலிம்பிக் போட்டியில் வெள்ளிப் பதக்கம் பெற்ற ஜெரலின் டான் (Jerayn Tan) ஆகியோர் அடங்குவர்.
உடற்குறையுள்ளோர் பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை அதிகரித்தவர்களையும் அவர்களின் உரிமைகளை முன்னெடுத்துச் சென்றவர்களையும் கோ சோக் தோங் Enable விருது அங்கீகரிக்கிறது.
அதில் இரு பிரிவுகள் – ஒன்று சாதனையாளர் பிரிவு, மற்றொன்று Promise பிரிவு.
உடற்குறையுள்ளோர் பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை அதிகரிக்க உதவியதற்காக அவருக்கு விருது வழங்கப்பட்டது.
அதிபர் தர்மன் சண்முகரத்னமும் ஓய்வுபெற்ற கௌரவ மூத்த அமைச்சர் கோ சோக் தோங்கும் விருதுகளை வழங்கினர்.
Source: Seithi Mediacorp
SINGAPURA: Bagi kebanyakan orang, mendengar suara atau muzik adalah sesuatu yang biasa dialami dalam kehidupan seharian.
Namun bagi Cik Amal Husnah Jamaludin, 34 tahun yang mempunyai autisme, beliau cukup sensitif dengan setiap didengarinya sehingga boleh menjejas rutin hariannya.
“Apabila saya di dalam MRT atau di tempat yang bising, saya akan mendengar suara-suara orang dengan lebih kuat lagi daripada kebanyakan orang. Ia satu cabaran sebab agak susah untuk saya hendak fokus tentang apa yang saya lakukan ataupun apa yang saya ingin katakan kepada orang,” kata Cik Husnah kepada wartawan Syawal Yusoff.
Cik Husnah didiagnos dengan autisme ketika 11 tahun lalu pada usia 23 tahun.
Selepas lebih memahami tentang keadaannya, beliau terpaksa memulakan hidup baharu dan pelajari cara-cara untuk menyesuaikan diri.
“Kesedaran itu yang membantu saya untuk menjalani kehidupan dengan lebih baik. Seperti menggunakan ‘headphones’ apabila saya ingin menaiki MRT ataupun apabila saya menghadiri majlis perkahwinan. Walaupun ia sesuatu yang agak ganjil dan saya selalunya akan menerima pertolongan dari orang tetapi itulah yang salah satunya cara untuk saya menjalani kehidupan saya dengan baik,” jelasnya.
Pada 2017, beliau mula menyertai Persatuan Orang Kurang Upaya (DPA) sebagai seorang Duta Inklusif.
Melalui peranannya itu, Husnah telah menyumbang kepada pelbagai usaha DPA bagi meningkatkan kesedaran masyarakat untuk menjadi lebih inklusif.
“Sebelum ini pengetahuan saya tentang golongan berkeperluan khas cetek. Jadi saya mempelajari tentang golongan ini melalui interaksi yang kerap apabila saya menyertai DPA sebagai Duta Inklusif. Dari situlah yang saya mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang isu-isu yang golongan-golongan ini sering hadapi,” kata Cik Husnah.
Ini dilakukan menerusi lebih 50 sesi perbincangan, ceramah dan acara-acara di sekolah dan tempat kerja.
“Ia bukannya satu tugas tetapi sesuatu yang saya rasa penting untuk kita lakukan. Ramai sekali yang tidak memahami bagaimana untuk interaksi bersama kami ataupun tidak mengetahui apakah cabaran-cabaran yang kita hadapi. Jadi ini yang mendorong saya dan duta-duta yang lain untuk berkongsi,” ujarnya.
Sumbangannya kepada usaha memperjuangkan kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih inklusif itu diiktiraf dalam Anugerah Upaya Goh Chok Tong (GCTEA) tahun ini.
Cik Husnah menjadi antara 10 penerima Anugerah Potensi GCTEA kali ini.
“Saya rasa anugerah ni adalah satu pengiktirafan kerja-kerja saya yang selama tujuh tahun ini dan ia sesuatu yang boleh memberi saya platform lebih besar untuk berkongsi tentang tentang cara-cara untuk menjadi sesebuah masyarakat yang lebih inklusif,” katanya.
“Saya rasa sama seperti ramai daripada golongan kurang upaya iaitu untuk orang ramai memahami kita. Ambil tahu tentang cabaran-cabaran yang kami hadapi dan cuba mendampingi kita dalam kehidupan mereka,” tambah Cik Husnah.
Edisi ke-6 GCTEA mengiktiraf seramai 13 individu berkeperluan khas menerusi dua kategori – Anugerah Pencapaian dan Anugerah Potensi di atas kecemerlangan mereka dalam memperjuangkan daya inklusif dalam bidang masing-masing.
Penerima Anugerah Pencapaian turut menerima wang tunai S$10,000 sementara penerima Anugerah Potensi menerima wang tunai S$5,000.
Anugerah itu disampaikan oleh Presiden Tharman Shanmugaratnam di Marina Bay Sands pada Selasa (3 Dis).
Turut hadir di acara itu ialah Setiausaha Parlimen Kanan Pembangunan Sosial dan Keluarga, Eric Chua.
Dalam ucapannya di majlis tersebut, beliau berkata sikap terhadap golongan berkeperluan khas khususnya di tempat kerja masih boleh diperbaiki.
“Menjadi lebih inklusif terhadap golongan berkeperluan khas adalah tanggungjawab bersama dan usaha seluruh masyarakat, dengan sikap orang awam memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Dengan mengiktiraf keupayaan golongan berkeperluan khas, memupuk tempat kerja yang inklusif dan mudah diakses serta ruang kongsi dan melengkapkan orang ramai dengan kemahiran untuk menyokong orang dari semua kebolehan, kita boleh membina masyarakat di mana semua orang boleh berjaya.
“Pemerintah terus komited untuk memperkasakan golongan berkeperluan khas untuk mencapai impian mereka, mencapai potensi penuh mereka dan menyumbang secara bermakna sebagai masyarakat kita yang dihargai,” kata Encik Chua yang juga merupakan Setiausaha Parlimen Kanan Kebudayaan, Masyarakat dan Belia.
Dilancarkan pada 2019, GCTEA merupakan inisiatif utama Dana Upaya Goh Chok Tong (GCTEF) – sebuah dana masyarakat yang bertujuan memberi peluang kepada golongan berkeperluan khas agar boleh menyumbang kepada masyarakat secara aktif dan menjalani kehidupan yang bersepadu secara sosial.
Ini dilakukan dengan menghulur bantuan, menyokong aspirasi dan memberi anugerah demi mengiktiraf pencapaian dan potensi golongan itu.
Dana tersebut ditadbir oleh SG Enable dan disokong oleh Mediacorp.
Menteri Kanan Emeritus Goh Chok Tong pula berperanan selaku penaung GCTEF.
Untuk menyokong golongan kurang upaya melalui GCTEF, sila lungsuri GCTEnableFund.sg.
The awardees of the 2024 Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards with President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Dec 3, 2024.
SINGAPORE: Thirteen people with disabilities were honoured on Tuesday (Dec 4) at the 2024 Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (GCTEA).
The awards ceremony was attended by guest of honour President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development and Culture, Community and Youth Eric Chua.
Launched in 2019, the GCTEA is a key initiative of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund (GCTEF) that provides opportunities to persons with disabilities to actively contribute to society and lead socially integrated lives through providing financial aid, supporting aspirations and conferring awards. The community fund is administered by SG Enable and supported by Mediacorp.
Speaking at the ceremony at Marina Bay Sands, Mr Chua applauded the award recipients for their hard work and resilience, and encouraged attendees to continue building a more inclusive society.
“There are no limits to what persons with disabilities can achieve when given the right opportunities and support. As a society, we must deepen our collective commitment to build a more compassionate and inclusive Singapore,” he said
However, Mr Chua highlighted that more must be done to bridge gaps in the community that affect persons with disabilities.
“There (remain) areas where we as a community must and should continue to make progress on. And we can do more to improve public attitudes towards persons with disabilities, especially at workplaces, and towards those with less visible disabilities, such as intellectual (disabilities) and autism.”
The GCTEA comprises two categories: The GCTEA (Achievement) category which celebrates persons with disabilities who have made significant achievements in their own fields and served as an inspiration to others, and the GCTEA (Promise) category which recognises awardees for their potential and commitment to serve the community.
Team Singapore Boccia Athlete Jeralyn Tan is one of the awardees of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards on Dec 3, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Lim Li Ting)
Ten individuals, including Paralympian Jeralyn Tan, were awarded GCTEA (Promise) awards and S$5,000 (US$3,710).
“I was surprised that I won the award. I’ve never won such awards before so it’s a first time for me. I’m very grateful and blessed, and I feel proud that I’ve done a good job,” Ms Tan told CNA.
Ms Tan, who was nominated by the Singapore Disability Sports Council for the award, clinched a boccia silver for Singapore at the Paris Paralympics in September – the country’s first medal in the sport.
Despite being diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia – the most severe form of cerebral palsy – when she was six months old, Ms Tan never let the condition stop her from pursuing her goals. She started playing boccia in 2002 when she picked up the sport as a student at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) School.
She has clinched numerous medals over the years, including a bronze at the 2022 ASEAN Para Games and a silver at the 2023 event.
With training for the 2028 Los Angeles Paralympics already kicking off, Ms Tan is determined to do even better.
“I feel happy to bring back the silver medal to Singapore. I want to work harder for the next Paralympics,” she said, adding that she is striving to be more composed during the next competition.
“I was nervous during the games so I will be working with my team on how to keep calm.”
Paralympian Maximillian Tan is one of the awardees of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards on Dec 3, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Lim Li Ting)
Mr Maximillian Tan, 37, was another Paralympian who shared the stage with Ms Tan.
The Team Singapore para-equestrian was born with cerebral palsy and started horse-riding lessons as a form of physiotherapy.
He had previously represented the country at London in 2012, Rio in 2016 and Tokyo in 2020, but told CNA he missed out on Paris this year as he is “still in the process of finding the right horse” after retiring his former partner in 2020.
“An athlete without disabilities can use their legs to direct the horse, but I have to use two whips to signal my horse on each side. Some horses are very sensitive to it, so it takes time to find a horse that is comfortable,” Mr Tan explained.
Nevertheless, he is determined to get back in the saddle to compete again, and encouraged aspiring para-athletes to take bold steps to achieve their goals.
“You celebrate victory, but you learn much more from defeat. It’s something that they have to be prepared for. If you’re prepared to commit, all you need is the right mindset and to keep going. You will eventually get there,” he said.
Motor Neurone Disease Association Singapore co-founder Toh Kok Peng was one of the awardees at this year’s Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards. (Photo: CNA/Lim Li Ting)
GCTEA (Promise) award recipients also included those that drove innovation to better the lives of persons with disabilities, such as 40-year-old Toh Kok Peng.
Diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 2020, Mr Toh is the co-founder of the Motor Neurone Disease Association Singapore (MNDa Singapore), which strives to improve the lives of patients with motor neurone diseases (MND) and their families through assistive technology.
“This community provides patients and caregivers a space to share and address any issues they are facing, as well as provide support to one another. We also raised funds to create some programmes to aid patients,” he told CNA.
Mr Toh took months to come to terms with his diagnosis, finding it the most difficult to accept the inexorable decline of his body.
“I went from being a physically fit and active person, one who ran marathons and was independent, to one who needs help for all the physical aspects of my life,” he recounted.
“I was fortunate that I was diagnosed quite early in my condition, so I was able to prepare myself for the difficult journey ahead.”
Mr Toh uses an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device controlled by his eye movements to communicate with those around him. This device gave him the opportunity to work for another three years despite his declining fine and gross motor skills.
“Technology has evolved significantly in the past few years, and I am thankful that I am able to leverage on technology to regain some independence in my life, such as communicating with others using my computer, despite my disabilities,” he said.
He now encourages others with similar conditions to do the same after kick-starting a programme at MNDa that loans out eye-tracking AAC devices to those who cannot afford them.
“We wanted to address the gaps that we experienced after diagnosis, due to the rarity of this condition in this country. We wanted to create more awareness for the condition and bring everyone whose lives have been impacted by MND together in one community,” he said.
Three individuals were awarded GCTEA (Achievement) awards and received S$10,000, one of whom was Ms Cassandra Chiu, the first female guide dog handler in Singapore.
The 45-year-old was diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease at the age of eight and experienced progressive vision loss which led to blindness.
Currently the executive director of K9Assistance and president of the Disabled People’s Association (DPA), Ms Chiu is a strong advocate for disability empowerment and championing disability inclusion.
The DPA will also receive S$5,000 as the nominating organisation in Cassandra’s journey.
Ms Cassandra Chiu, the first woman in Singapore to use a guide dog, receiving the Goh Chok Tong Enable Award (Achievement) on Dec 3, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Lim Li Ting)
The other two awardees under this category were Mr Andrew Tay, a Singapore Sign Language (SgSL) specialist with disability consultancy firm Equal Dreams, and Mr Pek Kian Aik, assistant vice president of Deutsche Bank and vice president of HWA, formerly known as Handicaps Welfare Association.
Also in attendance at the ceremony was Mediacorp CEO Tham Loke Kheng.
“We are privileged to join in the celebration of the awardees today to recognise their outstanding accomplishments in their respective fields. Their unwavering dedication and resilience serve as an inspiration to us all, and we hope that everyone will join us in applauding their achievements,” Ms Tham said.
The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund is a community fund that aims to provide persons with disabilities the opportunities to actively contribute to society and lead socially integrated lives through providing financial aid, supporting aspirations and conferring awards to recognise the achievements and potential of persons with disabilities.
The Fund is administered by SG Enable and supported by Mediacorp. ESM Goh Chok Tong is the Patron of the GCTEF. To support persons with disabilities through the GCTEF, please visitGCTEnableFund.sg.
The awardees at the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards on Dec 11, 2023 with President, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, sponsor and evaluation panel members. (Photo: Mediacorp)
SINGAPORE: Fourteen people with disabilities were honoured on Monday (Dec 11) at the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (GCTEA).
Launched in 2019, the GCTEA is an initiative of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund – a community fund administered by SG Enable and supported by Mediacorp – which provides people with disabilities the opportunities to actively contribute to society and lead socially integrated lives.
Supported by the Tote Board, the awards comprise two categories: The GCTEA (Achievement) category and the GCTEA (Promise) category.
The former celebrates people with disabilities who have accomplished significant achievements in their fields and served as an inspiration to others, while the latter encourages people with disabilities who have shown promise to pursue greater heights in their areas of talent and willingness to serve the community.
A total of three individuals were awarded the GCTEA (Achievement) and S$10,000 (USS$7,450) at the ceremony held at the Istana.
Two of the GCTEA (Achievement) recipients were Team Singapore para-athletes – 76-year-old para-bowler Aisah Ibrahim and 44-year-old para-equestrienne Laurentia Tan Yen-Yi.
Mdm Aisah, who is also president of the Bedok Youth Society for the Disabled, has represented Singapore in several international tournaments including the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Para Games.
She also won a silver and a bronze in the 2009 and 2010 National Disability League Singles events respectively.
Mdm Aisah Ibrahim with President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. (Photo: Mediacorp)
Ms Tan, who has profound deafness and athetoid cerebral palsy, which impairs her motor coordination, is one of Singapore’s most successful para-athletes.
Singapore Disability Sports Council, which nominated Ms Tan, will also receive S$5,000 in recognition of the contributing role of the nominating organisation in her success journey.
Another 11 individuals were presented with the GCTEA (Promise) and S$5,000, in recognition of their potential and commitment to serve the community.
A posthumous award was also presented to Mr Rajpal Nirat Singh, one of the recipients of GCTEA (Promise). Mr Nirat was the founder of a non-profit organisation, Hearing Vietnam, which serves the needs of the deaf and hearing-impaired in Vietnam.
Mr Nirat, who died in September due to a medical emergency, made significant contributions to increasing disability awareness and actively advocated for persons with disabilities.
hairman of the GCTEA Evaluation Panel Michael Ngu said: “We are all saddened by Nirat’s passing and decided we should still honour his contributions by presenting him with a posthumous award.”
Mr Ngu, who is also a Board Member of SG Enable and a GCTEA 2019 Achievement Award recipient, said that reviewing the nominations this year was “especially challenging” as they received a sizeable number of deserving nominations.
“This is a strong testament to the impressive works, talents and potential exhibited by persons with disabilities.”
Speaking at the awards ceremony on Monday, President Tharman Shanmugaratnam highlighted that there is still more to be done to change mindsets in the broader public.
“What shines through all the journeys of the Awardees today, is that they are individuals who are determined to live purposeful lives, just like anyone else,” said Mr Tharman.
CEO of SG Enable Ku Geok Boon also called upon the wider community to build an inclusive society with equitable opportunities for all.
“We are honoured to celebrate our Awardees who have displayed unwavering levels of tenacity despite the challenges they face,” said Tham Loke Kheng, CEO of Mediacorp.
“We hope that their remarkable displays of strength and resilience will inspire all of us to rise above the odds, and to champion inclusivity as well,” said Ms Tham.
The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund (GCTEF) is a community fund that aims to provide persons with disabilities the opportunities to actively contribute to society and lead socially integrated lives. The Fund is administered by SG Enable, and supported by Mediacorp. ESM Goh Chok Tong is the Patron of the GCTEF. To support persons with disabilities through the GCTEF, please visit GCTEnableFund.sg.
Source: CNA/lk(zl)
SINGAPURA: Dari usianya 17 tahun lagi, tekad Muhd Ammar Nasrulhaq Abdul Karim sudah bulat dan mahu jadikan bidang tarian sebagai kerjayanya.
Kini pada usia 30 tahun, beliau bergelar sebagai seorang penari ‘hip hop’ dan koreografer.
Malah, minatnya dalam tarian ‘hip hop’ juga membawanya menjelajah ke Perancis dan Norway untuk membuat persembahan.
Namun tidak seperti penari lain, beliau tidak bergantung pada irama muzik. Sebaliknya, beliau menggunakan daya penglihatan untuk ‘mendengar’ irama dan rentak muzik untuk gerak tarinya.
Ini kerana beliau merupakan seorang penari yang kurang daya pendengaran.
Namun, beliau tidak menjadikannya sebagai alasan untuk tidak berikan yang terbaik dalam bidang yang diminatinya.
“Salah satu cabaran yang saya hadapi sebagai seorang penari adalah untuk mendengar muzik kerana terdapat salah tanggapan di mana orang ramai fikirkan bagaimana muzik boleh dikaitkan dengan golongan kurang daya pendengaran, dan memandangkan kita tidak boleh mendengar, bagaimana kita dapat mengikut rentak muzik.
“Jadi sepanjang saya membuat kajian, belajar, saya mula mencipta keupayaan sendiri ‘mendengar muzik’, bagaimana muzik beralun, bagaimana corak dan iramanya berbeza dan sebagainya. Saya lihat terdapat pelbagai cara untuk kita ‘lihat’ muzik berbanding dengan sekadar mendengarnya.
“Jadi misalnya bila saya sedang menari dan lihat penari lain menganggukkan kepala mereka, ini salah satu bentuk isyarat visual di mana saya dapat hitung ‘1,2,3,4’ dalam fikiran saya,” kata Muhd Ammar kepada BERITAmediacorp.
Muhd Ammar merupakan jurulatih utama dan koreografer bagi kumpulan tarian hip-hop ‘Redeafination’ yang dianggotai oleh golongan kurang daya pendengaran.
Selain aktif dalam bidang tarian, Muhd Ammar turut giat memperjuangkan pengalaman dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat kurang daya pendengaran di Singapura.
Ini dilakukannya menerusi penglibatannya sebagai Karyawan Bersekutu di Access Path Productions serta kerjasama dengan institusi-institusi tempatan seperti Muzium Negara, LASALLE dan Esplanade.
“Seringkali sebagai seorang karyawan daripada golongan kurang upaya, anda sering menghadapi cabaran dari segi akses dan ada perkara yang belum lagi disesuaikan untuk golongan seperti kita dan itu membuat anda berasa kurang puas hati dengan apa yang anda lakukan.
“Selama beberapa tahun saya belajar, terdapat banyak perkara yang ingin saya persoalkan dan saya sedar, mungkin individu yang lain juga ada persoalan yang sama dan ini mendorong saya untuk memperkasa mereka supaya dapat buktikan kepada mereka bahawa jika saya dapat lakukan sesuatu, mereka juga boleh lakukannya. Jadi saya ingin menjadi seorang peran contoh untuk memperjuangkan dan memperkasakan rakan-rakan saya yang kurang daya pendengaran,” kata Muhd Ammar.
Berkat usaha dan dedikasi untuk membantu golongan kurang pendengaran seperti dirinya, Muhd Ammar dianugerahkan dengan Anugerah Upaya Goh Chok Tong 2022 (UBS Promise).
Beliau antara 15 individu yang menerima Anugerah Upaya Goh Chok Tong 2022 daripada Presiden Halimah dalam satu majlis di Istana siang tadi (1 Dis).
Anugerah itu diberikan kepada individu kurang upaya yang menunjukkan tekad untuk melangkah jauh lagi dalam bidang pilihan mereka dan keinginan untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat.
Dalam ucapannya, Presiden Halimah menekankan kepentingan bagi sebuah masyarakat yang inklusif.
“Sebagai sebuah masyarakat, kita mesti kukuhkan lagi usaha kolektif kita untuk membina Singapura yang prihatin dan inklusif, di mana mereka yang kurang upaya diperkasakan untuk mencapai aspirasi dan potensi mereka dan melibatkan diri sebagai anggota masyarakat yang turut menyumbang.
Satu usaha seluruh masyarakat diperlukan di mana masyarakat dan para majikan boleh memainkan peranan yang lebih penting bagi memastikan peluang-peluang itu boleh diakses mereka yang kurang upaya,” kata Presiden Halimah.
Majlis penganugerahan tahun ini juga diadakan pada skala lebih besar sejak pandemik COVID-19 melanda.
Sebelum ini, seramai 42 individu lain sudah diiktiraf sepanjang tiga tahun lalu.
Sumber : BERITA Mediacorp/HA/ha
GCTEA (UBS Promise) awardees with President and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Dec 1, 2022.
SINGAPORE: Fifteen people with disabilities were honoured on Thursday (Dec 1) at the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (GCTEA).
The GCTEA was launched in 2019 to advocate for greater inclusivity across Singapore and has since celebrated the achievements of 57 awardees over four editions.
On Thursday, three people aged 35 to 72 were awarded the GCTEA (UBS Achievement), which celebrates people with disabilities who have made significant accomplishments in their own fields. They received S$10,000 each.
Among the three awardees was Paralympic bronze medalist swimmer Theresa Goh, who is also the first Paralympian to be elected to the Singapore National Olympic Council’s Athletes Commission.
GCTEA (UBS Achievement) awardees with President and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Dec 1, 2022.
“Today’s awardees prove to us that there are no boundaries to what persons with disabilities can achieve, when given the opportunity,” said President Halimah Yacob, who was guest of honour at the ceremony at the Istana.
“As a society, we must strengthen our collective efforts to build a more caring and inclusive Singapore – one where persons with disabilities are enabled to pursue their aspirations, achieve their fullest potential, and participate as integral and contributing members of society.”
The ceremony was also attended by Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong himself as well as Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth and for Social and Family Development Eric Chua.
“The awards matter because they give meaning to an inclusive society. We are happy to help our persons with disabilities fulfil their aspirations, as well as integrate them in the community and in the workplace,” said ESM Goh.
“They are part of our social fabric and can contribute to society.”
Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong speaking at the GCTEA.
In addition, S$5,000 was given to Bizlink Centre Singapore, Singapore Disability Sports Council and ART:DIS Singapore each, in recognition of their role in nominating and contributing to the success of the three award recipients under the UBS Achievement category.
Twelve people were also awarded the GCTEA (UBS Promise) in recognition of their potential and commitment to serve the community.
They received S$5,000 each.
“We continue to be impressed by the high calibre of nominations we receive year on year, which is testament to the exceptional talent and motivation of persons with disabilities,” said GCTEA evaluation panel chairman Wong Meng Ee.
“The nominees have all demonstrated significant achievements in their own right and it was definitely not an easy selection process. We hope to inspire more persons with disabilities through the Awards and look forward to more applications in the years to come.”
The GCTEA is supported by Tote Board as a founding sponsor and UBS Singapore as principal sponsor.
It is an initiative of the Mediacorp Enable Fund (MEF), a community fund administered by the SG Enable agency with Mediacorp as official media partner.
Chief executive officer of Mediacorp Tham Loke Kheng said: “Every year, we are reminded of the incredible grit and determination of persons with disabilities who continue to overcome many challenges to accomplish outstanding personal achievements and positively impact our communities.
“Through the awards, we hope to continue to inspire others to pursue greater heights and maximise their potential in their chosen fields.”
In his speech, ESM Goh, who is the patron of MEF, said the charity fund would have a new chairman – Mr Richard Eu – from Jan 1, 2023.
Mr Eu will also help out with MEF’s future strategy and plans.
“We will announce our plans for the next lap of MEF next year,” said ESM Goh.
“We want to increase support for persons with disabilities and be more effective in recognising their abilities and contributions to others.”
The MEF aims to help build a society where persons with disabilities are recognised for their abilities and lead full, socially integrated lives.
To support persons with disabilities through the MEF, please visitwww.mef.sg.
An accomplished architect and an aspiring painter were among the 13 people with disabilities who were honoured on Friday (Dec 3) at this year’s Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards. The award celebrates their accomplishments and potential.
Source: CNA
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