
The Goh Chok Tong (GCT) Enable Awards, an initiative by Goh Chok Tong (GCT) Enable Fund, was launched on 15 January 2019. The founding of the Awards was inspired by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who is the Patron of GCT Enable Fund.

It aims to recognise the achievements of persons with disabilities,
and to motivate those with promise and potential to go the distance with their endeavours.

Details & Instructions

Award Details

  1. Objective: To recognise persons with disabilities who have made significant achievements in their own fields and serve as an inspiration to others.
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Nominees must be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents 18 years of age and older, with a permanent disability.
    • Nominees must demonstrate one or more of the following criteria:
    1. Endurance

      Exhibit courage and perseverance to overcome barriers in life.

    2. Inspiration through Character & Service to Community

      Of high integrity and moral character, who have contributed significantly to the community. As such, are an inspiration to others through examples and actions.

    3. Accomplishment(s)

      Achieved exceptional accomplishments in their personal and/or professional pursuits, relative to their disabilities.

Application Instructions

  1. All sections of the Nomination Form must be completed online.
  2. The following supporting documents must be submitted online together with the completed Nomination Form by
    Sunday, 23 July 2023:
  1. A clear copy of nominee’s NRIC (front & back)
  2. Proof of permanent disability
    (e.g. copy of medical report / doctor’s memo / membership card of a disability organisation / PTC card)
  3. Education and skills certifications (maximum 5 supporting certifications)
  4. Testimonials that acknowledge nominee’s character, contributions and achievements
    (maximum 5 supporting testimonials)


This application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please look through the Form below and
prepare all required information and documents beforehand.

    Section A

    Nominee's Details

    [group selectenquiry]
    [group selectoccupation]

    Upload Documents

    (Max of 13 files. Documents are to be named in the following format before you attach them:
    Nominee Name_Type of Document e.g. Ann_NRIC)

    Section B

    Nominator’s Submission

    *to complete only if you are an individual nominator. Fill NIL if not applicable.
    *to complete only if you are representing an organisation. Fill NIL if not applicable.
    *to complete only if you are representing an designation. Fill NIL if not applicable.
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    Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 300)
    Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 300)
    Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 300)

    Section C

    Acknowledgement By Nominator

    1. I hereby warrant that all the information I am submitting in this Nomination Form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
    2. I will inform SG Enable, as the administrator of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards, immediately of any changes to the information stated in the Nomination Form, prior to Friday, 23 July 2023.
    3. I have sought the consent of my nominee prior to my submission of the nomination.
    4. I understand that any Personal Data which I have provided in this Form may be processed by SG Enable and other relevant entities and I expressly consent to such processing for the purposes as set out in SG Enable's Privacy Policy available at https://www.sgenable.sg/pages/OurPolicies.aspx.
    5. I understand that any Personal Data disclosed by me herein will be retained by SG Enable and related entities if any of the purposes set out in the SG Enable's Privacy Policy remain valid.
    6. I understand that SG Enable, as the administrator of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards, will take all reasonable measures as required by the Personal Data Protection Act (2012) to protect my or my nominee's information from unauthorised access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties.
    7. I understand that the Evaluation Panel's decision on the Awards is final. No appeals will be entertained.

    Mediacorp Pte Ltd & SG Enable Ltd

    complies with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore